Thursday, March 14, 2019

In This Fast-Paced World…

In this fast-paced world…
I looked around…
Yup, people are walking even they’re in the escalators…
Rush hours, people drive the cars like crazy sometimes…
Hey, what are we looking for?
What we’re rushing into?
Could we just slow down a bit sometimes???
Not to be left behind…
But more to enjoying the current moment…
Which we tend to forget…

Time would pass…
But the thing that matters is: how we’re going to spend it?
It’s alright to stay in silent sometimes…
From the serenity, we might see things in different perspective…
Slow down a bit…
Sit back, relax…
Sending all gratefulness to the Almighty…
For we have given so much…
For all the blessings that we’ve got…
My soul is whispering:
“Thank You, Lord!”

Singapore, 15th of March 2019
Fonny Jodikin