(Aku, Dua Wanita, dan Seorang Pria)
– Kolaborasi dengan Maria Yustine, Nopriadi Saputra, dan Devita Umardin
Sama-sama dari satu es em a,
berpisah di masa kuliah,
bertemu di suatu plaza,
cerita ini itu tentang keluarga,
sampai rasanya tak ingin berpisah...
Aku, dua wanita dan seorang pria,
berharap jadi sahabat hingga tutup usia
berharap hidup bahagia selamanya....
Tujuh belas tahun selepas es em a,
bukan masa yang singkat saat kami terpisah,
dan terombang-ambing roda kehidupan yang tak tentu arah,
Namun, ketika kami bernostalgia,
di resto sebuah plaza,
kami temukan banyak hal yang bisa membuat ceria,
dan penuh gelak tawa,
hanya karena kami pernah bersama,
merenda cerita,
dalam satu babak kehidupan di masa muda…
Sekarang dengan hobby dan impian yang sama,
kami hendak mempersembahkan karya
dari lubuk hati kami semua
Semoga nantinya dapat memberi warna,
pada dunia:)
sewaktu es me a kami hanya kenal rupa dan nama
setelah tujuh belas tahun berpisah
kini kami berkumpul lagi
teknologi telah membuat kami bisa kenal lebih jauh
mengenali pikiran dan perasaan satu sama lain
bahkan dari hari per hari dengan baik
dan teknologi juga telah menggelitik
bakat-bakat kami yang tertidur belasan tahun
aku, dua wanita, dan seorang pria
coba tinggalkan kenangan yang berarti
dalam lintasan perjalanan waktu
berempat kami tapi bukan catur warga
terpisah jarak dan waktu walau hanya satu jam saja
tapi kami bagaikan satu jiwa
tersenyum, tertawa, membaca catatan kami yang ada
ah.....indah nian meski tak selalu dapat bersua
tak selalu bisa bertutur sapa dan bertatap muka
semoga dunia maya ini tetap ada
agar cita-cita kami jadi nyata....
Aku, dua wanita dan seorang pria
menggores tinta dalam perspektif yg berbeda-beda
tapi mimpi kami, tetap satu adanya
Aku, dua wanita dan seorang pria
terpisah jarak, ruang dan waktu
berkumpul kembali di sini
merenda kebersamaan yg pernah ada
tuk jadikan mimpi kami jadi nyata
Jakarta/Singapore, 23-25 April 2009
Fonny,Devita, Yustine, Nopri (jarak jadi dekat dengan internet n fesbuk…:)).
Chapters of Life, begitu saya senang menyebutnya. Karena bagi saya, hidup adalah babak demi babak, bab demi bab, yang menjadikan buku kehidupan saya sempurna.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bagaimana Jika?
Seorang pria muda.
Di usia dua puluh lima.
Dengan ijazah universitas terkemuka.
Plus tambahan kursus dan pelatihan di mana-mana.
Mencari kerja.
Sementara dia juga sudah harus menikah.
Karena kekasihnya
Sudah dijanjikannya untuk saling setia
Sesaat setelah dia mendapatkan kerja.
Tetapi dia harus menahan kecewa…
Pekerjaan tak kunjung tiba
Dia masih menganggur saja
Setelah satu setengah tahun lamanya
Cari kerja, interview sini dan sana.
Gagal, gagal lagi, gagal pula…
Dan lantas dia berdoa
“ Tuhan, berilah hamba-Mu pekerjaan yang sepantasnya…”
Dengan ego dan arogansi di dada
Dia kembali mencari kerja
Mana mungkin dengan kualifikasi yang dimilikinya
Dia masih menganggur saja?
Dalam doa-doa malamnya.
Tiba-tiba ada suara yang berkata:
“ Bagaimana jika tidak ada satu pekerjaan pun yang tersedia?”
Hatinya marah bercampur luka
Bila itu suaraNya, mengapa Dia tega?
Apakah Dia sudah tak mau melindunginya?
Hari demi hari berlalu percuma
Dia tetap belum dapat kerja
Sang kekasih hati pun sudah dinikahi tetangga
Tambah tertusuk duri hatinya
Saat itu juga, dia marah luar biasa.
Namun sekaligus mendapatkan pencerahan dalam batinnya
Memang, dia harus berusaha
Agar tetap bisa makan setidaknya
Tabungan menipis dan hampir tak ada sisa
Dia mencoba berbisnis saja
Sebagian modal pun hutang dengan saudara
Dan dari bawah sana
Dia merangkak pelan-pelan saja
Dia berhasil memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya
Satu bulan itu saja
Satu tahun itu saja
Satu dasawarsa saja
Dia tak perlu lagi kuatir soal ekonominya
Sepanjang hidupnya
Terkadang kita pun kecewa
Ketika segala rencana yang sudah rapi tertata
Jadi hancur lebur sehabis-habisnya
Namun hendaknya kita percaya kalau di balik itu semua
Ada jalan lain yang lebih indah dan luar biasa
Yang sudah direncanakanNya
Jalan yang kita pikir satu-satunya
Bukan harga mati sebetulnya
Karena Dia tau yang terbaik bagi kita
Tetaplah percaya
Apa pun keadaannya
Sehingga ketika Dia berkata,
“ Bagaimana jika rencanaKu berbeda dengan yang kau punya?
Kita tidak lagi kecewa apalagi membenciNya.
Dalam usia tua
Ketika si pemuda melihat kilas balik hidupnya
Dia tersenyum bahagia
Mohon ampun atas segala kesombongan dirinya
Dan ternyata…
Inilah jalan terbaik dalam hidupnya.
Singapore, 23 April 2009
Di usia dua puluh lima.
Dengan ijazah universitas terkemuka.
Plus tambahan kursus dan pelatihan di mana-mana.
Mencari kerja.
Sementara dia juga sudah harus menikah.
Karena kekasihnya
Sudah dijanjikannya untuk saling setia
Sesaat setelah dia mendapatkan kerja.
Tetapi dia harus menahan kecewa…
Pekerjaan tak kunjung tiba
Dia masih menganggur saja
Setelah satu setengah tahun lamanya
Cari kerja, interview sini dan sana.
Gagal, gagal lagi, gagal pula…
Dan lantas dia berdoa
“ Tuhan, berilah hamba-Mu pekerjaan yang sepantasnya…”
Dengan ego dan arogansi di dada
Dia kembali mencari kerja
Mana mungkin dengan kualifikasi yang dimilikinya
Dia masih menganggur saja?
Dalam doa-doa malamnya.
Tiba-tiba ada suara yang berkata:
“ Bagaimana jika tidak ada satu pekerjaan pun yang tersedia?”
Hatinya marah bercampur luka
Bila itu suaraNya, mengapa Dia tega?
Apakah Dia sudah tak mau melindunginya?
Hari demi hari berlalu percuma
Dia tetap belum dapat kerja
Sang kekasih hati pun sudah dinikahi tetangga
Tambah tertusuk duri hatinya
Saat itu juga, dia marah luar biasa.
Namun sekaligus mendapatkan pencerahan dalam batinnya
Memang, dia harus berusaha
Agar tetap bisa makan setidaknya
Tabungan menipis dan hampir tak ada sisa
Dia mencoba berbisnis saja
Sebagian modal pun hutang dengan saudara
Dan dari bawah sana
Dia merangkak pelan-pelan saja
Dia berhasil memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya
Satu bulan itu saja
Satu tahun itu saja
Satu dasawarsa saja
Dia tak perlu lagi kuatir soal ekonominya
Sepanjang hidupnya
Terkadang kita pun kecewa
Ketika segala rencana yang sudah rapi tertata
Jadi hancur lebur sehabis-habisnya
Namun hendaknya kita percaya kalau di balik itu semua
Ada jalan lain yang lebih indah dan luar biasa
Yang sudah direncanakanNya
Jalan yang kita pikir satu-satunya
Bukan harga mati sebetulnya
Karena Dia tau yang terbaik bagi kita
Tetaplah percaya
Apa pun keadaannya
Sehingga ketika Dia berkata,
“ Bagaimana jika rencanaKu berbeda dengan yang kau punya?
Kita tidak lagi kecewa apalagi membenciNya.
Dalam usia tua
Ketika si pemuda melihat kilas balik hidupnya
Dia tersenyum bahagia
Mohon ampun atas segala kesombongan dirinya
Dan ternyata…
Inilah jalan terbaik dalam hidupnya.
Singapore, 23 April 2009
Adalah Sulit...
Adalah sulit…
Untuk mengakui kesalahan diri sendiri,
karena banyak kali kita berusaha menghindari,
bahwa kita yang paling bersalah dalam permasalahan ini.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap bersikap adil,
di saat kita sendiri menghadapi dan mengalami,
ketidakadilan yang berlaku sampai hari ini.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap mengasihi,
dan menghilangkan segala rasa benci,
padahal sudah berupaya setengah mati,
namun rasa itu tak jua pergi.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap termotivasi,
dan tidak kehilangan inspirasi,
di saat semua pemberitaan dari dalam ataupun luar negeri,
bernada negatif dikarenakan resesi
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap rendah hati,
di saat semua pujian menghampiri,
terkadang sampai membuat lupa diri
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tidak menghakimi,
padahal dengan ekor mata ini,
sudah terlanjur menilai,
ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap sadar diri,
sementara banyak ajakan dari sana-sini,
melakukan kebebasan yang tak terpuji.
Adalah sulit…
untuk tetap tidak terpancing dan berdiam diri,
sementara semua teman bergunjing seru sekali,
terkadang hanya sekedar untuk melewati satu hari
Adalah sulit…
untuk tetap mencari,
yang terbaik dalam diri,
sementara semua caci-maki,
tertuju pada kita ini.
Adalah sulit…
jika kita berpikir itu sulit dan sukar sekali,
ternyata itu semua hanyalah seperti,
pemikiran yang ada dalam benak ini.
Smoga hari ini,
kita berhasil menemukan suatu nilai tersendiri,
sesuatu yang hakiki,
bahwa sulit ataupun tidaknya nanti,
tergantung pikiran kita sendiri.
Singapore, 28 April 28, 2009
Untuk mengakui kesalahan diri sendiri,
karena banyak kali kita berusaha menghindari,
bahwa kita yang paling bersalah dalam permasalahan ini.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap bersikap adil,
di saat kita sendiri menghadapi dan mengalami,
ketidakadilan yang berlaku sampai hari ini.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap mengasihi,
dan menghilangkan segala rasa benci,
padahal sudah berupaya setengah mati,
namun rasa itu tak jua pergi.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap termotivasi,
dan tidak kehilangan inspirasi,
di saat semua pemberitaan dari dalam ataupun luar negeri,
bernada negatif dikarenakan resesi
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap rendah hati,
di saat semua pujian menghampiri,
terkadang sampai membuat lupa diri
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tidak menghakimi,
padahal dengan ekor mata ini,
sudah terlanjur menilai,
ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki.
Adalah sulit…
Untuk tetap sadar diri,
sementara banyak ajakan dari sana-sini,
melakukan kebebasan yang tak terpuji.
Adalah sulit…
untuk tetap tidak terpancing dan berdiam diri,
sementara semua teman bergunjing seru sekali,
terkadang hanya sekedar untuk melewati satu hari
Adalah sulit…
untuk tetap mencari,
yang terbaik dalam diri,
sementara semua caci-maki,
tertuju pada kita ini.
Adalah sulit…
jika kita berpikir itu sulit dan sukar sekali,
ternyata itu semua hanyalah seperti,
pemikiran yang ada dalam benak ini.
Smoga hari ini,
kita berhasil menemukan suatu nilai tersendiri,
sesuatu yang hakiki,
bahwa sulit ataupun tidaknya nanti,
tergantung pikiran kita sendiri.
Singapore, 28 April 28, 2009
Do You Expect to be Blessed?
Tell me if I’m right.
90% of the things you were so worried about ten years ago, you laugh about them today. Am I correct?
What were your worries just ten years ago?
· You were worried about school projects and exams.
· You were worried whether your classmates would laugh at your hairstyle. Today, you laugh at everyone’s hairstyle.
· You were worried that your boyfriend was seeing someone else. Now, you thank God he was seeing someone else. Good riddance!
· You were worried if your boss liked your reports. You later learned he didn’t even read your reports.
· You were worried whether your son would finish school because his report card had more red numbers than black numbers. But today, he’s a successful businessman.
What does this mean?
90% of the things you’re worried today, you’ll laugh about them tomorrow.
Let me tell you a crazy story…
Is Fear Killing You?
One morning, a man saw the “Angel of Death” walking into his town.
He was brave enough to ask, “May I ask why you are here?”
The Angel of Death said, “I’m going to kill ten thousand people today.”
The man stepped back in horror and ran all around town. He warned people, “I just saw the Angel of Death. He said ten thousand people will die today.”
But when nighttime came, seventy thousand people died.
The next day, the man saw the Angel of Death walking out of town. He called after him and said, “Wait! Wait! You said you were only going to kill ten thousand people. But there were seventy thousand who died last night!”
The Angel of Death shook his head, “I killed only ten thousand. Worry and fear killed the others.”
Faith And Fear Are The Same Inside
Let me shock you.
Faith and fear seem so different from each other.
But if you take a knife and peel the cover around faith and fear, you realize they’re the same inside: They’re both beliefs.
Faith believes that good things will happen.
And fear believes that bad things will happen.
The problem is that because they’re beliefs, they’re powerful. Because beliefs create our reality. The Bible says that what you believe will happen.
So when we fear, we create the very thing we’re afraid of.
And I’ve met lots of people whose minds are filled with fearful thoughts, they don’t know that they’re creating the reality they dread…
· “The economy is so bad, I’ll lose my job soon…”
· “My husband will never change.”
· “My marriage will never improve.”
· “My parents died of cancer; I’m sure I’ll have cancer too… Oh my gosh, where did this mole come from?”
· “Will my kids turn out okay?”
· “My boss hates me” or “My friend hates me” or “My cat hates me”
· “I’ll never get married,” or “I’ll end up marrying a serial killer.”
Because they’re beliefs, faith and fear are also expectations.
Fear expects problems.
Faith expects blessings.
And the universe adjusts to your expectations!
Ask yourself: What do you expect to happen today?
When Good Things Happen,
What Thoughts Enter Your Mind?
Once upon a time, I was a person of fear.
When good things happened to me, I’d get scared. I’d think, “Oh no, too many good things are happening to me! This won’t last. I’m sure bad things will now come like a tidal wave…”
Subconsciously, I believe in the balance of the good and the bad. (Yep, I watched Gulong ng Palad starring Marianne de la Riva and Ronald Corveau. Ancient history for some of you.)
Today, I realize that you can’t balance the good and the bad because the good are always a zillion times more than the bad. Because God’s blessings are limitless.
Today, I’ve become a person of faith.
When good things happen to me, I say, “I’m going from glory to glory, going to higher levels of victory and abundance and love.” Today, I expect that life will get better, become happier, and become more abundant.
Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways of living life. One is to live as though nothing is a miracle. The other is to live as though everything is a miracle.”
Each day, I’m choosing to live as though everything is a miracle.
Expect Good Things
Starting today, expect great things to happen to you.
Say this every morning:
· “My God shall supply my needs.”
· “My God shall prosper the work of my hands.”
· “My body shall be healed.”
· “My children will be blessed.”
· “My marriage will grow better and better everyday.”
· “I’ll soon meet the man (or woman) of my dreams.”
Friend, do you want to fulfill your dreams?
Let me share with you my three steps of faith:
· Step One: See the Dream
· Step Two: Sow the Dream
· Step Three: Surrender the Dream
Here they are, one by one…
Step One:
See The Dream
Do you really know what you want in life?
You’ve got to know your dream so well that you see it in your mind. In fact, you just don’t see it, you feel it in your heart. Because faith and fear are not just beliefs or expectations—they’re also feelings. When you see your dream in vivid detail, you’ll feel the faith rise within you.
That’s why fearful people cannot dream.
Here’s what you do: Imagine all your dreams are already fulfilled. The more you see it and feel it, the easier it is for your dreams to come true.
Dream in vivid Technicolor—complete with sounds, smells, tastes, and feel.
The reason why many people don’t receive God’s blessings is because they have a limited capacity to receive those blessings. The problem isn’t in the Supply. (It’s infinite.) The problem is in the Receiving of that Supply.
So how do you increase your capacity to receive?
By increasing your vision. When you increase the size of your vision, you increase the size of your blessings.
See your dream. Feel it.
Once you do that, you’re ready for the next step…
Step Two:
Sow The Dream
Actually, you don’t sow the dream.
You sow the seed of the dream. And that small seed will grow to become your big dream.
What’s the seed? Your actions.
Nothing happens unless you act.
When you plant one hundred seeds, not all of those one hundred seeds will grow. Perhaps ninety-nine will die. But that’s okay. It’s the one seed that grows that will make your dream come true.
So make mistakes!
Act. And act. And keep on acting.
Wake up early. And run towards your dream!
Even if you feel that you have very little resources…
Act On What You Have
When David fought Goliath, he didn’t ask for a M9 bazooka, a machine gun, or a bullet-proof vest. He worked with what he had—a leather sling and five smooth stones. God transformed it into a deadly weapon in his hand.
When Moses delivered the Israelites from Egypt, he didn’t ask for a phalanx of warriors, a naval battleship, or a couple of nuclear missiles to defeat Egypt. He used what he had—an old wooden stick. But through that old wooden stick, God made a snake, turned a river into blood, divided the red sea—and drowned the chariots of Pharaoh.
So use what you have!
I hear this a lot from people who excuse their mediocre lives:
· “But I don’t have a college diploma”
· “I can’t speak English well,”
· “I don’t have the right connections.”
· “I’m not good in math.”
· “I don’t know how to sell.”
· “I don’t have time.”
· “I’m not as good-looking as Bo Sanchez.” (Have your eyes checked.)
Don’t look for what you don’t have.
Here’s the truth: You have everything you need to reach your dreams.
Did you read that?
You have the Holy Spirit. You have friends around you. You have other talents within you. Etcetera.
And here’s the last crucial step you need to take…
Step Three:
Surrender Your Dream
Some of you may even be shocked by my third step.
I’ve asked you to dream, right? To pursue it with so much passion that you see it and feel it in your heart?
But in Step Three, I’ll ask you to do what seems the very opposite: To surrender your dreams to God. In Step Three, you say the most perfect prayer of all. “Lord, not my will but yours be done.”
To trust.
To let go.
To actually tell God that you’re happy now—even without this dream.
Here’s one thing I found out about dreams. If I’m desperate, needy, and frantic—I find it so difficult to make that dream come true.
But if I surrender to God my dream, and relax, and treat my pursuit of the dream as play—I find myself attracting every blessing I ever need in an almost effortless way.
This is my experience with money too.
When I’m desperate for money, very little comes my way. Everything I earn is a struggle, like I’m pulling teeth from the universe.
But when I’m relaxed about money—trusting that I’m swimming in an ocean of money—the money will come rolling at my feet, begging that I take it.
When I do this, I don’t struggle. The right people come to me. The right connections come to me. The right book comes to me. The right opportunities come. Almost effortlessly…
Let Go
Recently, I told my wife, “God is teaching me to relax more.”
She was curious. “Are we going to take more vacations? ”
“Absolutely,” I chuckled. “But it means more than that. I’m learning to dream and at the same time let go of my dreams.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I’m not saying I won’t work with passion anymore,” I said. “I love my work so much. I’ll still get up early in the morning and pour myself into my ministries and businesses. But I’m letting go of all fear and all anxiety. Why worry? When I’m swimming in God’s abundance.”
“That’s wonderful,” she said. “Can we go to Sagada?”
“Shhh. I haven’t finished my explanation yet. To surrender means I trust that everything that happens is for my good. And to trust that everything that doesn’t happen is also for my good.”
“That’s great. So, is Sagada a good thing?” my wife winked.
(As you read this blog, we’re now on our way to Sagada! Me and my big mouth…)
I remember this crazy story…
What’s Your Lulu?
One day, in a mental hospital, two doctors were taking their rounds.
As they visited patients, they saw a man crouched in bed, crying, “Lulu, Lulu…”
“Who is this man?” asked the new doctor.
“Lulu was his girlfriend. This man wanted to marry Lulu, but Lulu married someone else…”
“Oh poor guy,” the young doctor said, “He couldn’t take the disappointment and lost his mind.”
The two doctors walked on. In another room, they saw another patient, crouched in bed, also crying “Lulu, Lulu…”
The new doctor was surprised and asked, “And who is this man? Why is he also crying ‘Lulu’?”
“This was the man Lulu married instead.”
Let me ask you a question: What’s your Lulu?
Your Lulu is a prayer that’s not yet been answered.
I have a simple message: If you don’t get Lulu, don’t lose your mind.
Surrender your Lulu.
At the end of the day, God will give you the best version of your dream!
Expect Blessings
Last week, I surprised my wife by telling her, “Pack your bags. We’re staying in a 5-star hotel for 2 days!”
She asked me, “Isn’t that expensive?”
“I’ll ask for a discount,” I told her.
“And did you call up to reserve?”
“I didn’t,” I said, “we’ll just walk to the front desk and expect to be blessed.”
She asked, “And if you don’t get a discount? Or if it’s fully booked?”
“I placed my wish before God’s generosity,” I told her. In other words, I surrendered. “If there’s no discount or no room available, we’ll just move to another hotel. It’ll be an adventure!”
So we packed our bags and off we went.
When I walked to the front desk of my favorite hotel, I asked, “What’s your cheapest room?”
The guy showed me the rate card. I gulped.
It was P8000 per night.
I asked, “Will you give me a discount?”
“I could give you ten percent…” he said.
I sighed. P7200 was still a lot of money.
At that precise moment, a tall man, wearing a nice coat and tie, walked out of the door behind the front desk. Immediately, I recognized him. He was a friend. After greeting each other, he gave me his business card. On the card it said, “Front Desk Manager”. He was the guy in charge!
On the spot, from P8000, he brought down my room rate to P3000.
Not only that, he upgraded my room two notches higher. So my wife and I stayed in a room worth P12,000++ for only P3000 a night.
That was not all.
My upgraded life had just begun…
God Wants To Upgrade You
From the hotel, I went straight to the airport to fly to Hong Kong. (A very important person in Hong Kong wanted to meet with me to discuss a possible donation. This too is an incredible display of attracting blessings, because I didn’t call him. He called me! But that’s another story…)
In the Manila airport, I walk to the check-in counter. Without my asking, the lady behind the counter said, “Mr. Sanchez, I’m upgrading you to Business Class.” Wow. “If you insist,” I told her.
Two hours later, I land in Hong Kong and go straight to my hotel. And just in case you think I get all these crazy breaks because I’m famous, the Chinese lady in the front desk—who didn’t know me from Adam—says, “Mr. Sanchez, we’re upgrading you to a bigger room.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. This was too much!
The next day, after my meetings in Hong Kong (which went very well) I go back to the Hong Kong airport. When I checked in, I was half-expecting that I would be upgraded again. But nothing happened.
I told myself, “I’m going to enjoy this plane ride.” I was applying the Third Step: Trust. Surrender. Don’t be desperate. Let go.
So I walk inside the plane and sit down on my economy seat. I pull out a book and began reading. That was when a steward comes up to me and says, “Brother Bo, let me bring you up to Business Class.”
As I sat in Business Class, sipping my orange juice, I relax.
Live with expectation.
Expect God to bless you!
When you trust more, you’ll relax more. And you’ll realize that what was a struggle before will now become easy. Doors will open. People will call you. Opportunities will come near you.
Dear friend, I speak blessings to your life. To your finances. To your family life. And to your health. Receive God’s avalanche of blessings!
Hey, I’m not saying that you’ll have no more problems.
You will.
But you’ll see your problems in a new light…
How About When Bad Things Happen?
Let me tell you my last story.
One day, a king placed a boulder on the middle of the road. He then hid a pouch behind the bounder, and waited in the bushes to see what will people do.
Many noble men, knights, priests, and soldiers saw the boulder and complained why it was blocking the path. That was all they did—complained, complained, and complained some more.
But later in the afternoon, a farmer walked on the road, saw the boulder, put down his stuff—and pushed it out of the way. When he did that, he saw the king’s purse underneath. He opened it and found it filled with the purest gold, including a note from the king. It said, “This is your reward. Because behind every boulder on the road of life is pure gold.”
Friend, behind every problem in your life is a rich blessing.
Behind every trial in your life is a treasure waiting to be discovered.
Whenever bad things happen to me, I say, “This isn’t a problem. This is an opportunity for me to grow by leaps and bounds. This will be one a my biggest blessings in life.”
Go ahead.
See your dream.
Sow your dream.
And surrender your dream.
Expect to be blessed.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
90% of the things you were so worried about ten years ago, you laugh about them today. Am I correct?
What were your worries just ten years ago?
· You were worried about school projects and exams.
· You were worried whether your classmates would laugh at your hairstyle. Today, you laugh at everyone’s hairstyle.
· You were worried that your boyfriend was seeing someone else. Now, you thank God he was seeing someone else. Good riddance!
· You were worried if your boss liked your reports. You later learned he didn’t even read your reports.
· You were worried whether your son would finish school because his report card had more red numbers than black numbers. But today, he’s a successful businessman.
What does this mean?
90% of the things you’re worried today, you’ll laugh about them tomorrow.
Let me tell you a crazy story…
Is Fear Killing You?
One morning, a man saw the “Angel of Death” walking into his town.
He was brave enough to ask, “May I ask why you are here?”
The Angel of Death said, “I’m going to kill ten thousand people today.”
The man stepped back in horror and ran all around town. He warned people, “I just saw the Angel of Death. He said ten thousand people will die today.”
But when nighttime came, seventy thousand people died.
The next day, the man saw the Angel of Death walking out of town. He called after him and said, “Wait! Wait! You said you were only going to kill ten thousand people. But there were seventy thousand who died last night!”
The Angel of Death shook his head, “I killed only ten thousand. Worry and fear killed the others.”
Faith And Fear Are The Same Inside
Let me shock you.
Faith and fear seem so different from each other.
But if you take a knife and peel the cover around faith and fear, you realize they’re the same inside: They’re both beliefs.
Faith believes that good things will happen.
And fear believes that bad things will happen.
The problem is that because they’re beliefs, they’re powerful. Because beliefs create our reality. The Bible says that what you believe will happen.
So when we fear, we create the very thing we’re afraid of.
And I’ve met lots of people whose minds are filled with fearful thoughts, they don’t know that they’re creating the reality they dread…
· “The economy is so bad, I’ll lose my job soon…”
· “My husband will never change.”
· “My marriage will never improve.”
· “My parents died of cancer; I’m sure I’ll have cancer too… Oh my gosh, where did this mole come from?”
· “Will my kids turn out okay?”
· “My boss hates me” or “My friend hates me” or “My cat hates me”
· “I’ll never get married,” or “I’ll end up marrying a serial killer.”
Because they’re beliefs, faith and fear are also expectations.
Fear expects problems.
Faith expects blessings.
And the universe adjusts to your expectations!
Ask yourself: What do you expect to happen today?
When Good Things Happen,
What Thoughts Enter Your Mind?
Once upon a time, I was a person of fear.
When good things happened to me, I’d get scared. I’d think, “Oh no, too many good things are happening to me! This won’t last. I’m sure bad things will now come like a tidal wave…”
Subconsciously, I believe in the balance of the good and the bad. (Yep, I watched Gulong ng Palad starring Marianne de la Riva and Ronald Corveau. Ancient history for some of you.)
Today, I realize that you can’t balance the good and the bad because the good are always a zillion times more than the bad. Because God’s blessings are limitless.
Today, I’ve become a person of faith.
When good things happen to me, I say, “I’m going from glory to glory, going to higher levels of victory and abundance and love.” Today, I expect that life will get better, become happier, and become more abundant.
Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways of living life. One is to live as though nothing is a miracle. The other is to live as though everything is a miracle.”
Each day, I’m choosing to live as though everything is a miracle.
Expect Good Things
Starting today, expect great things to happen to you.
Say this every morning:
· “My God shall supply my needs.”
· “My God shall prosper the work of my hands.”
· “My body shall be healed.”
· “My children will be blessed.”
· “My marriage will grow better and better everyday.”
· “I’ll soon meet the man (or woman) of my dreams.”
Friend, do you want to fulfill your dreams?
Let me share with you my three steps of faith:
· Step One: See the Dream
· Step Two: Sow the Dream
· Step Three: Surrender the Dream
Here they are, one by one…
Step One:
See The Dream
Do you really know what you want in life?
You’ve got to know your dream so well that you see it in your mind. In fact, you just don’t see it, you feel it in your heart. Because faith and fear are not just beliefs or expectations—they’re also feelings. When you see your dream in vivid detail, you’ll feel the faith rise within you.
That’s why fearful people cannot dream.
Here’s what you do: Imagine all your dreams are already fulfilled. The more you see it and feel it, the easier it is for your dreams to come true.
Dream in vivid Technicolor—complete with sounds, smells, tastes, and feel.
The reason why many people don’t receive God’s blessings is because they have a limited capacity to receive those blessings. The problem isn’t in the Supply. (It’s infinite.) The problem is in the Receiving of that Supply.
So how do you increase your capacity to receive?
By increasing your vision. When you increase the size of your vision, you increase the size of your blessings.
See your dream. Feel it.
Once you do that, you’re ready for the next step…
Step Two:
Sow The Dream
Actually, you don’t sow the dream.
You sow the seed of the dream. And that small seed will grow to become your big dream.
What’s the seed? Your actions.
Nothing happens unless you act.
When you plant one hundred seeds, not all of those one hundred seeds will grow. Perhaps ninety-nine will die. But that’s okay. It’s the one seed that grows that will make your dream come true.
So make mistakes!
Act. And act. And keep on acting.
Wake up early. And run towards your dream!
Even if you feel that you have very little resources…
Act On What You Have
When David fought Goliath, he didn’t ask for a M9 bazooka, a machine gun, or a bullet-proof vest. He worked with what he had—a leather sling and five smooth stones. God transformed it into a deadly weapon in his hand.
When Moses delivered the Israelites from Egypt, he didn’t ask for a phalanx of warriors, a naval battleship, or a couple of nuclear missiles to defeat Egypt. He used what he had—an old wooden stick. But through that old wooden stick, God made a snake, turned a river into blood, divided the red sea—and drowned the chariots of Pharaoh.
So use what you have!
I hear this a lot from people who excuse their mediocre lives:
· “But I don’t have a college diploma”
· “I can’t speak English well,”
· “I don’t have the right connections.”
· “I’m not good in math.”
· “I don’t know how to sell.”
· “I don’t have time.”
· “I’m not as good-looking as Bo Sanchez.” (Have your eyes checked.)
Don’t look for what you don’t have.
Here’s the truth: You have everything you need to reach your dreams.
Did you read that?
You have the Holy Spirit. You have friends around you. You have other talents within you. Etcetera.
And here’s the last crucial step you need to take…
Step Three:
Surrender Your Dream
Some of you may even be shocked by my third step.
I’ve asked you to dream, right? To pursue it with so much passion that you see it and feel it in your heart?
But in Step Three, I’ll ask you to do what seems the very opposite: To surrender your dreams to God. In Step Three, you say the most perfect prayer of all. “Lord, not my will but yours be done.”
To trust.
To let go.
To actually tell God that you’re happy now—even without this dream.
Here’s one thing I found out about dreams. If I’m desperate, needy, and frantic—I find it so difficult to make that dream come true.
But if I surrender to God my dream, and relax, and treat my pursuit of the dream as play—I find myself attracting every blessing I ever need in an almost effortless way.
This is my experience with money too.
When I’m desperate for money, very little comes my way. Everything I earn is a struggle, like I’m pulling teeth from the universe.
But when I’m relaxed about money—trusting that I’m swimming in an ocean of money—the money will come rolling at my feet, begging that I take it.
When I do this, I don’t struggle. The right people come to me. The right connections come to me. The right book comes to me. The right opportunities come. Almost effortlessly…
Let Go
Recently, I told my wife, “God is teaching me to relax more.”
She was curious. “Are we going to take more vacations? ”
“Absolutely,” I chuckled. “But it means more than that. I’m learning to dream and at the same time let go of my dreams.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I’m not saying I won’t work with passion anymore,” I said. “I love my work so much. I’ll still get up early in the morning and pour myself into my ministries and businesses. But I’m letting go of all fear and all anxiety. Why worry? When I’m swimming in God’s abundance.”
“That’s wonderful,” she said. “Can we go to Sagada?”
“Shhh. I haven’t finished my explanation yet. To surrender means I trust that everything that happens is for my good. And to trust that everything that doesn’t happen is also for my good.”
“That’s great. So, is Sagada a good thing?” my wife winked.
(As you read this blog, we’re now on our way to Sagada! Me and my big mouth…)
I remember this crazy story…
What’s Your Lulu?
One day, in a mental hospital, two doctors were taking their rounds.
As they visited patients, they saw a man crouched in bed, crying, “Lulu, Lulu…”
“Who is this man?” asked the new doctor.
“Lulu was his girlfriend. This man wanted to marry Lulu, but Lulu married someone else…”
“Oh poor guy,” the young doctor said, “He couldn’t take the disappointment and lost his mind.”
The two doctors walked on. In another room, they saw another patient, crouched in bed, also crying “Lulu, Lulu…”
The new doctor was surprised and asked, “And who is this man? Why is he also crying ‘Lulu’?”
“This was the man Lulu married instead.”
Let me ask you a question: What’s your Lulu?
Your Lulu is a prayer that’s not yet been answered.
I have a simple message: If you don’t get Lulu, don’t lose your mind.
Surrender your Lulu.
At the end of the day, God will give you the best version of your dream!
Expect Blessings
Last week, I surprised my wife by telling her, “Pack your bags. We’re staying in a 5-star hotel for 2 days!”
She asked me, “Isn’t that expensive?”
“I’ll ask for a discount,” I told her.
“And did you call up to reserve?”
“I didn’t,” I said, “we’ll just walk to the front desk and expect to be blessed.”
She asked, “And if you don’t get a discount? Or if it’s fully booked?”
“I placed my wish before God’s generosity,” I told her. In other words, I surrendered. “If there’s no discount or no room available, we’ll just move to another hotel. It’ll be an adventure!”
So we packed our bags and off we went.
When I walked to the front desk of my favorite hotel, I asked, “What’s your cheapest room?”
The guy showed me the rate card. I gulped.
It was P8000 per night.
I asked, “Will you give me a discount?”
“I could give you ten percent…” he said.
I sighed. P7200 was still a lot of money.
At that precise moment, a tall man, wearing a nice coat and tie, walked out of the door behind the front desk. Immediately, I recognized him. He was a friend. After greeting each other, he gave me his business card. On the card it said, “Front Desk Manager”. He was the guy in charge!
On the spot, from P8000, he brought down my room rate to P3000.
Not only that, he upgraded my room two notches higher. So my wife and I stayed in a room worth P12,000++ for only P3000 a night.
That was not all.
My upgraded life had just begun…
God Wants To Upgrade You
From the hotel, I went straight to the airport to fly to Hong Kong. (A very important person in Hong Kong wanted to meet with me to discuss a possible donation. This too is an incredible display of attracting blessings, because I didn’t call him. He called me! But that’s another story…)
In the Manila airport, I walk to the check-in counter. Without my asking, the lady behind the counter said, “Mr. Sanchez, I’m upgrading you to Business Class.” Wow. “If you insist,” I told her.
Two hours later, I land in Hong Kong and go straight to my hotel. And just in case you think I get all these crazy breaks because I’m famous, the Chinese lady in the front desk—who didn’t know me from Adam—says, “Mr. Sanchez, we’re upgrading you to a bigger room.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. This was too much!
The next day, after my meetings in Hong Kong (which went very well) I go back to the Hong Kong airport. When I checked in, I was half-expecting that I would be upgraded again. But nothing happened.
I told myself, “I’m going to enjoy this plane ride.” I was applying the Third Step: Trust. Surrender. Don’t be desperate. Let go.
So I walk inside the plane and sit down on my economy seat. I pull out a book and began reading. That was when a steward comes up to me and says, “Brother Bo, let me bring you up to Business Class.”
As I sat in Business Class, sipping my orange juice, I relax.
Live with expectation.
Expect God to bless you!
When you trust more, you’ll relax more. And you’ll realize that what was a struggle before will now become easy. Doors will open. People will call you. Opportunities will come near you.
Dear friend, I speak blessings to your life. To your finances. To your family life. And to your health. Receive God’s avalanche of blessings!
Hey, I’m not saying that you’ll have no more problems.
You will.
But you’ll see your problems in a new light…
How About When Bad Things Happen?
Let me tell you my last story.
One day, a king placed a boulder on the middle of the road. He then hid a pouch behind the bounder, and waited in the bushes to see what will people do.
Many noble men, knights, priests, and soldiers saw the boulder and complained why it was blocking the path. That was all they did—complained, complained, and complained some more.
But later in the afternoon, a farmer walked on the road, saw the boulder, put down his stuff—and pushed it out of the way. When he did that, he saw the king’s purse underneath. He opened it and found it filled with the purest gold, including a note from the king. It said, “This is your reward. Because behind every boulder on the road of life is pure gold.”
Friend, behind every problem in your life is a rich blessing.
Behind every trial in your life is a treasure waiting to be discovered.
Whenever bad things happen to me, I say, “This isn’t a problem. This is an opportunity for me to grow by leaps and bounds. This will be one a my biggest blessings in life.”
Go ahead.
See your dream.
Sow your dream.
And surrender your dream.
Expect to be blessed.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Aku dan Tiga Wanita
Aku dan Tiga Wanita
Di tempat itu kami duduk bersama,
Aku dan tiga wanita…
Di gerai kopi ternama
Bukan untuk gengsi-gengsian semata…
Hanya untuk saling bertukar cerita…
Wanita pertama …
Mengeluhkan kondisi kehamilan yang tidak diharapkannya.
Suaminya tidak menyetujui kehamilannya
Bahkan berpikir untuk mengugurkannya
Dia masih bimbang dalam segala pertimbangan di hati dan pikirannya
Akankah keputusan itu diambilnya?
Wanita kedua…
Menerima kehamilannya dengan lapang dada…
Ini memang kehamilan ketiga
Sementara anak keduanya
Baru saja berulang tahun yang kedua
Mereka menerima hadirnya
Si anak dalam hidup mereka
Hanya tinggal beberapa hari due-datenya…
Sebentar lagi mereka bisa melihat wajah bayi tercinta…
Wanita ketiga…
Dia menggigit kuku di jemarinya…
Sesekali saja…
Namun terlihat kegugupan dan kekuatirannya…
Hanya dia yang belum memiliki anak dari perkawinannya
Dan agaknya dia mulai berpikir macam-macam cara
Dari dokter ahli spesialis kandungan sampai sin she asal negeri China
Dia datangi untuk pengobatan bersama suaminya
Namun, hasilnya?
Nihil saja…
Di perkawinan mereka yang sudah sembilan tahun lamanya
Mereka masih menantikan buah cinta…
Aku terpana
Memandangi tiga wanita
Yang bersamaku duduk semeja
Ironis sepertinya…
Namun itulah kenyataan yang harus diterima
Ada yang ingin anak, namun tak mendapatkannya
Ada yang tidak menginginkan anak, tetapi malah hamil ternyata
Dan ada yang memang hamil dan menerima apa adanya
Hmmm… Hidup memang tak pernah mudah…
Kembali aku termenenung memikirkan mereka
Tiga wanita yang semeja dan berbagi cerita
Ingin kurengkuh mereka
Dan kubisikkan…
Sahabat, semoga semua nantinya baik-baik saja…
Singapore, 23 April 2009
* Puisi yang merupakan imajinasi atas beberapa cerita yang kudengar lewat beberapa sahabatku…
Di tempat itu kami duduk bersama,
Aku dan tiga wanita…
Di gerai kopi ternama
Bukan untuk gengsi-gengsian semata…
Hanya untuk saling bertukar cerita…
Wanita pertama …
Mengeluhkan kondisi kehamilan yang tidak diharapkannya.
Suaminya tidak menyetujui kehamilannya
Bahkan berpikir untuk mengugurkannya
Dia masih bimbang dalam segala pertimbangan di hati dan pikirannya
Akankah keputusan itu diambilnya?
Wanita kedua…
Menerima kehamilannya dengan lapang dada…
Ini memang kehamilan ketiga
Sementara anak keduanya
Baru saja berulang tahun yang kedua
Mereka menerima hadirnya
Si anak dalam hidup mereka
Hanya tinggal beberapa hari due-datenya…
Sebentar lagi mereka bisa melihat wajah bayi tercinta…
Wanita ketiga…
Dia menggigit kuku di jemarinya…
Sesekali saja…
Namun terlihat kegugupan dan kekuatirannya…
Hanya dia yang belum memiliki anak dari perkawinannya
Dan agaknya dia mulai berpikir macam-macam cara
Dari dokter ahli spesialis kandungan sampai sin she asal negeri China
Dia datangi untuk pengobatan bersama suaminya
Namun, hasilnya?
Nihil saja…
Di perkawinan mereka yang sudah sembilan tahun lamanya
Mereka masih menantikan buah cinta…
Aku terpana
Memandangi tiga wanita
Yang bersamaku duduk semeja
Ironis sepertinya…
Namun itulah kenyataan yang harus diterima
Ada yang ingin anak, namun tak mendapatkannya
Ada yang tidak menginginkan anak, tetapi malah hamil ternyata
Dan ada yang memang hamil dan menerima apa adanya
Hmmm… Hidup memang tak pernah mudah…
Kembali aku termenenung memikirkan mereka
Tiga wanita yang semeja dan berbagi cerita
Ingin kurengkuh mereka
Dan kubisikkan…
Sahabat, semoga semua nantinya baik-baik saja…
Singapore, 23 April 2009
* Puisi yang merupakan imajinasi atas beberapa cerita yang kudengar lewat beberapa sahabatku…
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Memandang sinis
Meneliti dari rambut sampai ke kaki
Yang dipandangi merasa hati teriris
Kenapa harus sedemikian penuh tatapan benci?
Entah salahnya apa
Mungkin bukan salah siapa-siapa
Namun ketika mata bicara
Rasanya telah mampu bercerita
Tatapan lembut bersahaja
Penuh damai dan menyejukkan
Membuat nyaman siapa saja
Yang tengah berada di hadapan
Ketika mata yang sama
Bicara dengan sorot yang berbeda
Tidak ada penghakiman di sana
Yang ada hanya menerima
Apa adanya
Kerlingan lucu bersahaja
Jadi sumber kegembiraan
Tanpa perlu kekuatan baja
Si pemilik mata sudah menebar kebahagiaan
Ketika mata bicara
Banyak cerita di sana
Mulai dari sorot bahagia
Sampai cerita duka
Ketika mata bicara
Tanpa bahasa manusia
Namun dari situ pun bisa
Buat bungkam atau senyum ceria
Terakhir namun tak kalah pentingnya
Jagalah mati hati senantiasa
Karena dia juga pelita jiwa
Yang menerangi hati kita.
Sehingga di mana pun kita berada
Tetaplah memandang dengan penuh cinta
Singapore, 17 April 2009
PS: Mmmm… saya bukan mata-mata, hanya ingin bicara soal mata yang penuh cinta :)
Meneliti dari rambut sampai ke kaki
Yang dipandangi merasa hati teriris
Kenapa harus sedemikian penuh tatapan benci?
Entah salahnya apa
Mungkin bukan salah siapa-siapa
Namun ketika mata bicara
Rasanya telah mampu bercerita
Tatapan lembut bersahaja
Penuh damai dan menyejukkan
Membuat nyaman siapa saja
Yang tengah berada di hadapan
Ketika mata yang sama
Bicara dengan sorot yang berbeda
Tidak ada penghakiman di sana
Yang ada hanya menerima
Apa adanya
Kerlingan lucu bersahaja
Jadi sumber kegembiraan
Tanpa perlu kekuatan baja
Si pemilik mata sudah menebar kebahagiaan
Ketika mata bicara
Banyak cerita di sana
Mulai dari sorot bahagia
Sampai cerita duka
Ketika mata bicara
Tanpa bahasa manusia
Namun dari situ pun bisa
Buat bungkam atau senyum ceria
Terakhir namun tak kalah pentingnya
Jagalah mati hati senantiasa
Karena dia juga pelita jiwa
Yang menerangi hati kita.
Sehingga di mana pun kita berada
Tetaplah memandang dengan penuh cinta
Singapore, 17 April 2009
PS: Mmmm… saya bukan mata-mata, hanya ingin bicara soal mata yang penuh cinta :)
Monday, April 13, 2009
I'm Just So Scared
I’m Just So Scared…
Dear God,
I’m not scared of the problems.
Because I know that every problem will bring me closer to You
And I also know that
As long as I live, this life of ours will never be trouble-free
I’m just so scared that I don’t have the chance to draw myself near You
In times of troubles
I’m just so scared that I’ll be depending too much on myself , my thoughts, my mind, my money, my relatives…
I’m just so scared that I’ve forgotten that they’re all actually Yours
Given to me temporarily in this journey of life
I’m just so scared that I’ll become an arrogant person
And forget about Your Kindness and Goodness…
Dear God,
I’m not scared of the sufferings.
Because I know, once we were born in this world
That word has already followed us
Everywhere I go, I can always see this picture
Sufferings. Sometimes a never-ending ones.
I’m just so scared that I don’t have the chance to be thankful
For what You’ve done for me, for what You’ve done to this world
I’m just so scared that I’ll be too busy of complaining
This isn’t the right thing, this isn’t exactly what I want…
This isn’t or that isn’t
Because I want too many things which sometimes I don’t need
While You’ve given me everything I need
I’m just so scared that I won’t be able to keep my faith
While You Yourself have been faithful:
yesterday, today, or even thousands years ahead.
So, today, I just want to send my gratitude to You
I’m going to be thankful
For every single thing in this life
I’m thankful for the sun, the rain, the moon, the sea
I’m thankful for my parents, my husband and my child
I’m thankful for my friends
I’m thankful for You
I’m thankful for the chance to say I love You and
I couldn’t even think of one day without You
I’m just so scared that You’ll leave me
Especially when I need You the most
But, I know, You will never do it.
Because You love me more than I could’ve ever imagined.
Singapore, 14 April 2009
Dear God,
I’m not scared of the problems.
Because I know that every problem will bring me closer to You
And I also know that
As long as I live, this life of ours will never be trouble-free
I’m just so scared that I don’t have the chance to draw myself near You
In times of troubles
I’m just so scared that I’ll be depending too much on myself , my thoughts, my mind, my money, my relatives…
I’m just so scared that I’ve forgotten that they’re all actually Yours
Given to me temporarily in this journey of life
I’m just so scared that I’ll become an arrogant person
And forget about Your Kindness and Goodness…
Dear God,
I’m not scared of the sufferings.
Because I know, once we were born in this world
That word has already followed us
Everywhere I go, I can always see this picture
Sufferings. Sometimes a never-ending ones.
I’m just so scared that I don’t have the chance to be thankful
For what You’ve done for me, for what You’ve done to this world
I’m just so scared that I’ll be too busy of complaining
This isn’t the right thing, this isn’t exactly what I want…
This isn’t or that isn’t
Because I want too many things which sometimes I don’t need
While You’ve given me everything I need
I’m just so scared that I won’t be able to keep my faith
While You Yourself have been faithful:
yesterday, today, or even thousands years ahead.
So, today, I just want to send my gratitude to You
I’m going to be thankful
For every single thing in this life
I’m thankful for the sun, the rain, the moon, the sea
I’m thankful for my parents, my husband and my child
I’m thankful for my friends
I’m thankful for You
I’m thankful for the chance to say I love You and
I couldn’t even think of one day without You
I’m just so scared that You’ll leave me
Especially when I need You the most
But, I know, You will never do it.
Because You love me more than I could’ve ever imagined.
Singapore, 14 April 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Cabe Rawit
Tak peduli merah atau hijau warnamu…
Tak peduli kecil atau sedang ukuranmu…
Kau tetap memberikan satu rasa berbeda: PEDAS
Ciri yang sama di masakan yang berbeda
Entah di soto, sop, gorengan, atapun mie instant saja
Tetap kau memberikan rasa yang tak terlupakan: PEDAS
Di kala menghadapi PEDASnya kehidupan.
Terkadang ada rasa tak kuat, seakan tak mampu bertahan.
Namun, akhirnya kukira, PEDAS ataupun PAHITnya kehidupan
Adalah sesuatu yang tak terhindarkan
Namun, asalkan kita tetap berjalan
Tiada hal yang tak terselesaikan
Selama kita bertahan
Dan selalu melihat proses pembelajaran
Nantinya, akan ada satu perubahan
Karena yang konstan dalam kehidupan
Hanyalah perubahan dan hanya perubahan
Terkadang kurenungkan…
Aku ingin menjadi semacam ‘cabe rawit’ kehidupan.
Bukan dalam arti mengeluarkan kata-kata pedas yang menyakitkan
Namun, semoga kehadiranku membawa perbedaan
Perbedaan yang menggembirakan
Membangkitkan semangat yang kelelahan
Walaupun terkadang aku pun kecapekan
Namun ‘cabe rawit’ kehidupan harus mampu bertahan
Dalam setiap kondisi kehidupan.
Cabe rawit yang kecil ini…
Mungkin tak mampu berbuat terlalu berarti
Bagi seluruh penduduk bumi
Namun, biarlah kehadiran semangat ‘cabe rawit’ di hari ini
Membuatku mampu menghadirkan cita rasa berbeda dalam hidup saat ini.
Bagi keluarga, teman, maupun diri sendiri
Syukur-syukur suatu hari nanti, bagi bumi pertiwi…
Ketika di malam hari
Perut lapar kembali menghampiri
Kubuka sebungkus mie instant berinisial “I”
Cukup ternama buatan dalam negeri
Kucampur dengan cabe rawit beberapa biji
Dan hatiku senang sekali
Kudapatkan rasa yang pas di hati
Semoga kehadiranku yang kecil ini
Dalam alam raya yang luas tak terperi
Sedikit banyak memberi arti
Singapore, 5 April 2009
* pengalaman supper mie instan plus cabe rawit membawaku berpuisi…:)
Tak peduli kecil atau sedang ukuranmu…
Kau tetap memberikan satu rasa berbeda: PEDAS
Ciri yang sama di masakan yang berbeda
Entah di soto, sop, gorengan, atapun mie instant saja
Tetap kau memberikan rasa yang tak terlupakan: PEDAS
Di kala menghadapi PEDASnya kehidupan.
Terkadang ada rasa tak kuat, seakan tak mampu bertahan.
Namun, akhirnya kukira, PEDAS ataupun PAHITnya kehidupan
Adalah sesuatu yang tak terhindarkan
Namun, asalkan kita tetap berjalan
Tiada hal yang tak terselesaikan
Selama kita bertahan
Dan selalu melihat proses pembelajaran
Nantinya, akan ada satu perubahan
Karena yang konstan dalam kehidupan
Hanyalah perubahan dan hanya perubahan
Terkadang kurenungkan…
Aku ingin menjadi semacam ‘cabe rawit’ kehidupan.
Bukan dalam arti mengeluarkan kata-kata pedas yang menyakitkan
Namun, semoga kehadiranku membawa perbedaan
Perbedaan yang menggembirakan
Membangkitkan semangat yang kelelahan
Walaupun terkadang aku pun kecapekan
Namun ‘cabe rawit’ kehidupan harus mampu bertahan
Dalam setiap kondisi kehidupan.
Cabe rawit yang kecil ini…
Mungkin tak mampu berbuat terlalu berarti
Bagi seluruh penduduk bumi
Namun, biarlah kehadiran semangat ‘cabe rawit’ di hari ini
Membuatku mampu menghadirkan cita rasa berbeda dalam hidup saat ini.
Bagi keluarga, teman, maupun diri sendiri
Syukur-syukur suatu hari nanti, bagi bumi pertiwi…
Ketika di malam hari
Perut lapar kembali menghampiri
Kubuka sebungkus mie instant berinisial “I”
Cukup ternama buatan dalam negeri
Kucampur dengan cabe rawit beberapa biji
Dan hatiku senang sekali
Kudapatkan rasa yang pas di hati
Semoga kehadiranku yang kecil ini
Dalam alam raya yang luas tak terperi
Sedikit banyak memberi arti
Singapore, 5 April 2009
* pengalaman supper mie instan plus cabe rawit membawaku berpuisi…:)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Just Count Yourself Lucky
Just count yourself lucky…
If in just once in a life time’s chance…
You meet the person you loved And loves you in return…
Just count yourself lucky…
If two different persons with different characters
Walking all alone in this world…
Then finally found themselves landed In an island called LOVE…..
Just count yourself lucky
Whenever you cry and feel sad…
There’s someone who really cares about you
And provide his shoulder to be A shoulder to cry on…
Just count yourself lucky…
In some ways, I already did…
N I’d like to treasure what I have…
*written at the front page of my wedding invitation from me to my husband, Jakarta end of 2005...
If in just once in a life time’s chance…
You meet the person you loved And loves you in return…
Just count yourself lucky…
If two different persons with different characters
Walking all alone in this world…
Then finally found themselves landed In an island called LOVE…..
Just count yourself lucky
Whenever you cry and feel sad…
There’s someone who really cares about you
And provide his shoulder to be A shoulder to cry on…
Just count yourself lucky…
In some ways, I already did…
N I’d like to treasure what I have…
*written at the front page of my wedding invitation from me to my husband, Jakarta end of 2005...
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