Friday, July 10, 2009

In the Traffic Light of Life

Passing a traffic light today…
It’s not an unusual thing…
Very natural.. Very normal…
Maybe you’ve passed the traffic lights thousands of times in your life
So, it’s not a really special experience
And easily forgotten.

But today, the traffic light has taught me something
It’s just a reflection inside of my mind…
Very simple but yet I wanted to share it with you…

Traffic light has got 3 colors…
When you need to stop…
There are times in life when you have to stop doing something
Maybe because it’s too dangerous
Maybe it’s just so tempting but at the same time
So sinful
So, you need to stop
You need to say NO.
There are a lot of things that need a firm and strong faith
By refusing it.

When you need to be cautious…
Again, there are moments in life that you need to put some extra care
That you need to put more caution into it
Because it might have a different impact in your life
So, when you face the problem, you need to be cautious
Slow down and think
What to do in the next step…

There are moments that you need to strive and run for it
Walk with a very high spirit
To reach your dreams…
To reach your expectations…
To strive for your goals in this life…
To be what you want to be…
Only sky is the limit…
And when you see the green light
You just know that you need to run
Run for your goal
Search for something better…

Facing the traffic light of your life…
Whether it’s red, yellow, or green…
Hopefully you can choose the right attitude towards life
In facing :
Each problem…
Each trouble…
Each trial…
Each opportunity…
Each dream…
Each goal…
Each struggle…
With all your heart focused on faith
And believe…
Even though in which stage of the traffic light of your life
You are not alone…
He is there for you
And will never leave you

Red, yellow, or green?
It doesn’t really matter
As long as you’ve got faith in Him.

Singapore, July 11, 2009
* inspired buy a normal and not-so-special traffic light, only to find that there are some deep meanings too…

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